Latest News, Bulletins & Updates
Bulletin #2 Published for EAAC and EIAC-24
Competitors and CIVA officials aiming to be at the combined 2024 EAAC and EIAC events in Romania now have a second Bulletin available with the latest details regarding these events – please visit the EAAC/EIAC Championship pages for full details.
CIVA 2024 Plenary Conference Bulletin #1 published
The first Bulletin for our forthcoming Plenary Conference, which will take place on November 2nd and 3rd at the Hellenic Air Force Academy in Athens, has now been published on the 2024 Plenary Conference page of this website. The Agenda for the conference will be made available in due course, and reports published for you all to download and study…
CIVA 2024 Proposals Package published
The assembled package of Proposals for review by the Rules, Judging and Glider Aerobatics Committees has been published and can be downloaded from the CIVA Document Store. These proposals will be reviewed and analyzed by the appropriate committees during the next few weeks, and a final document with their observations and recommendations published to provide the basis for open debate…
Section-6 Part-1 2024 for Power Aerobatics published
After the usual careful development interval, we are very pleased to announce that the 2024 version of CIVA’s Section-6 Part-1 Regulations for Power Aerobatics is now published, and can as usual be downloaded from the Document Store on this website. Revisions in the 2024 document are as usual denoted by a vertical line in the margin for easy identification. Notable…
Excellence Cat-2 event at WAC-24
CIVA is delighted to announce that its first FAI Open Excellence Aerobatic Challenge category-2 event is to be run in combination with the World Aerobatic Championships (WAC) at Mokre/Zamosc Airport, Poland in August 2024. The power Excellence category provides a logical mid-way stage between the long-established Advanced and Unlimited power categories, and has been developed and run in France by…
CIVA Guide to Championship Organisation updated
Our comprehensive guidance document The CIVA Guide to Championship Organisation has now been updated for 2024. Importantly, this now includes an entirely new chapter-2 that provides guidance for organisers to help them maximise the number of entries and elevate the event profile as far as possible with local and national/international media resources. The new issue-6 GCO can be downloaded from…

Are you hosting an aerobatic event?
Our aim is to provide forward information for everyone with an interest in aerobatic competition flying.
For this however we do need your help, so please make sure that your Aerobatic Club or National Airsport Control sends us details of all competitions that are open to pilots and/or judges from other countries and we’ll add them to our Championship Calendar so that they get the widest circulation possible.