Latest News, Bulletins & Updates

Mikhail Mamistov – 2017 World Aerobatic Champion

After a closely fought World Aerobatic Championship at Malelane in South Africa, for the third time in his illustrious career Russian pilot Mikhail Mamistov again proved that steady and accurate flying provides the best approach to success. Throughout this gruelling event in temperatures well into the mid 30's the top positions had been shared between only a few pilots, with as…

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Roman Ovchinnikov is the 2018 World Advanced Aerobatic Champion

During a week of hot days and occasional thunderstorms at Strejnic Airleid in Romania, in the 13th FAI World Advanced Aerobatic Championship Roman Ovchinnikov (RUS) emerged a worthy winner, with Bastien Le Roux (FRA) and Andrei-Mihai Serbu (ROM) close behind in the silver and bronze medal positions. In the Team classification France took the top slot from runners-up USA and Romania….

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WACL signing ceremony in China

Many months of negotiations between CIVA President Nick Buckenham and British and Chinese executives from World Air Carnival Ltd., a UK based company dedicated to mounting a new series of aerobatic "World Air Master" (WAM) and "Formation Aerobatic Challenge" (FAC) tournaments in China, have now culminated in a formal agreement between CIVA and WACL to jointly manage these events. At a ceremony in China…

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1st FAI Formation Aerobatic Challenge

Held at the Shangjie Airport in Zhengzhou City, China from April 29th to May 1st 2017 the first FAI / CIVA Formation Aerobatic Challenge event was a major success, with 12 world-leading aerobatic teams and 41 pilots all performing to their absolute maximum to show just their formation skills. Although the event was planned from the start as a pure competition, at…

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Are you hosting an aerobatic event?

Our aim is to provide forward information for everyone with an interest in aerobatic competition flying.

For this however we do need your help, so please make sure that your Aerobatic Club or National Airsport Control sends us details of all competitions that are open to pilots and/or judges from other countries and we’ll add them to our Championship Calendar so that they get the widest circulation possible.

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