Latest News, Bulletins & Updates
WGAC & WAGAC First Bulletin published
The first Bulletin for the World Glider Aerobatic Championship and the World Advanced Glider Aerobatic Championship at Oschatz in Germany is now published and available from the championship schedule pages here.
CIVA Judge Lists for 2024 published
Now available in the Document Store are the new CIVA Current and Reserve International Aerobatic Judge Lists for reference throughout 2024. These provide a complete record of the judges that are eligible for duty at CIVA championships this year, and those whose service record has become out-of-date but their names are retained as ‘reserves’ until their data record is restored…
Minutes of the 2023 Plenary Conference published
The minutes of the CIVA Plenary Conference that was held on the 18th and 19th of November 2023 at the Polish Aviation Museum in Kraków, Poland are now published, and can be downloaded from the conference page here.
Championship Organiser of the Year 2023
The final results of the online voting by competitors and officials from all the 2023 CIVA championships is now published to announce the Championship Organiser of the Year here. Congratulations to the EAC-23 team under the direction of Contest Director Maurizio Costa that ran this event at Pavullo nel Frignano airfield in Italy.
Rules Committee Report for plenary debate
The CIVA Rules Committee has now published the updated RC Report for review and debate at plenary: Plenary 2023 Agenda item 8.1 CIVA Rules Committee Report Based on Rules & Judging Committees Joint Meetings
KAWG Power and Glider submissions for 2024
The Known Advisory Working Group can now publish pdf’s of the 5-figure sets of Free Known figures submitted by various NACs for use in all power and glider categories during 2024. The KAWG Experts will now review these submissions and publish their recommendations in due course. The final selection in each category will be made at the forthcoming plenary meeting…

Are you hosting an aerobatic event?
Our aim is to provide forward information for everyone with an interest in aerobatic competition flying.
For this however we do need your help, so please make sure that your Aerobatic Club or National Airsport Control sends us details of all competitions that are open to pilots and/or judges from other countries and we’ll add them to our Championship Calendar so that they get the widest circulation possible.