Meet the CIVA Working Groups

how we work

CIVA Working Groups are established from time to time by the Bureau to provide guidance and advice in specific areas of key relevance to international aerobatics. Their remit is to work within the many formats adopted by the commission, to support and manage its affairs in the most advantageous manner. Each Working Group has a chairman supported by a number of members, who work together to provide technical and practical support and direction to the Bureau and provide Reports to plenary conferences in the designated area of interest.

Clearly it is an honour to be appointed to one of these positions. Candidates are expected to work on behalf of their plenary colleagues and the world aerobatic community in support of the working group they join. While their chairman may ask them to respond to specific tasks, it is their own responsibility to seek out areas where improvements or developments could be of benefit to the operation of aerobatic championships and lesser events, and to make a positive effort to move the subject forward.

Everything that happens within the CIVA environment is a direct result of the inspiration and effort made by the dedicated people whose names you see below in one or more of these management teams. This list also provides direct access to each chairman, to whom all enquiries and suggestions should in the first place be directed.



KAWG Chairman:
Hanspeter Rohner, SUI  Email
with Pekka Havbrandt, SWE  Email

Coco Bessiere, FRA
Nigel Hopkins, RSA
Rob Holland, USA
Castor Fantoba, ESP
Louis Vanel, FRA

The KAWG (for power) and the GAC (for gliders) take the Free Known 5-figure master sets submitted by NAC’s each year as the basis for their considerations. Changes are allowed and additional sets may be created to meet annual requirements. Each body (KAWG and GAC) submits a proposal to the annual plenary conference with up to 5 (five) sets of master figures per category, with critical assessments and sample sequences to illustrate their scope and suitability and provide guidance to delegates in their selection of one master set per category for the following year.

The Safety Working Group (SWG)


SWG Chairman:
Hanspeter Rohner, SUI  Email

Tamás Ábrányi, HUN
Keith Doyne, USA
Pierre Varloteaux, FRA
Pekka Havbrandt, SWE
Victor Lalloué, FRA
Maurizio Costa, ITA
Poul Nielsen, DEN
Patrick Paris, FRA - Advisor

The CIVA Safety Working Group (SWG) acts as the focal point to foster the highest levels of safety in all CIVA activities. Its primary aim is to provide recommendations, guidance and proposals on any matter associated with safety. This is done through its own work and findings, or on request by any stakeholder in CIVA (e.g. CIVA Bureau, Committees, other Working Groups, NACs, competitors, championship officials and organisers) which may then make appropriate decisions or prepare formal proposals in the light of the SWG advice.

The Media Working Group (MWG)


MWG Chairman:
Eric Lentz Gauthier, USA Email

Pekka Havbrandt, SWE
Others TBA

The overall aim of the MWG will be to make a positive contribution to the public image of international aerobatics and establish working relationships with potential sources of commercial and/or corporate interest. CIVA's "World Aerobatics" Facebook and Instagram social media streams provide the core range of information from championships, pilots and their NAC's, supported by reference data on many topics provided by this website.

The FairPlay System Working Group (FPWG)


FPS W/G Chairman:
Nick Buckenham, GBR  Email

Doug Lovell, USA
Gilles Guillemard, FRA
Vladimir Machula, CZE

Development of the FairPlay System as operated by CIVA's championship results calculation software is controlled by this working group, which reports its recommendations to the plenary each year.

The Contest Organisation Working Group (COWG)

COWG Chairman:
Nick Buckenham, GBR  Email

Madelyne Delcroix, FRA
Vladimir Machula, CZE

The COWG monitors the operational use and correctness of working practices carried out by Contest Organisers and CIVA officers at CIVA championships in accordance with Section-6 and other regulations, and reports upon their effectiveness to the plenary each year.

The Strategic Planning Group (SPG)

SPG Chairman:
Nick Buckenham, GBR  Email

Matthieu Roulet, FRA
Mike Heuer, USA

The SPG reviews, develops and reports on matters of strategic value to CIVA's operational status at all international aerobatic championships, and provides its recommendations to the plenary each year.

The FAI / Aresti Liaison Working Group


Jim Bourke, USA  Email

This working group comprises only a chairman, and provides the key contact pathway between CIVA and the Aresti family in Spain.


Are you hosting an aerobatic event?

Our aim is to provide forward information for everyone with an interest in aerobatic competition flying.

For this however we do need your help, so please make sure that your Aerobatic Club or National Airsport Control sends us details of all competitions that are open to pilots and/or judges from other countries and we’ll add them to our Championship Calendar so that they get the widest circulation possible.

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