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14th FAI World Advanced Aerobatic Championships

29th July 2021 TO 7th August 2021

● This event will now take place at Torun Airfield in Poland


Event Information


Training dates:

26th to 29th July 2021

Competition dates:

29th July to 6th August 2021

Entry Fees


1,800 €
Additional fee for Single room: 200 €

Team members:

1,600 €
Additional fee for Single room: 200 €


International Jury:

Pierre VARLOTEAUX (President - on site)
Philippe KÜCHLER (remote)
Tamás ÁBRÁNYI (remote)

Chief Judge:

Jerome Houdier (FRA)


Subject to JC review in 2021:
Timo Bartholdi (FIN)
Bernard Courtois (FRA)
Zuzana Danihelova (CZE)
Vladimir Razhin (RUS)
Violeta Gedminaite (LIT)
Jurgen Leukefeld (GER)
Johnie Smith (RSA) 

Note: 7 teams + CJ team, with 1 additional night accommodation

Championship website: http://waac2021.eu/

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